What is Dynamic Website Personalization?

Digital Marketing & Optimization
When users have seamless and meaningful online experiences, expect to see more conversions.

Think back to your favorite gifts that you’ve given or received, special events or date nights you’ve attended, or that time you went to the bar and had the bartender craft a specialty cocktail for you based on your favorite flavors and likes and dislikes. When you give it some thought, one key theme that’s common running through all these experiences is personalization. When an experience is personalized for you, it elevates your experience, creates stronger bonds with others, and makes a lasting impact.

With a little extra effort, personalization shows that someone really knows and cares about you. Personalization isn’t just for gifts, dates, or dining experiences, everything in life can be personalized— including your website.

What is Dynamic Website Personalization?

Site personalization is the art of creating unique and customized experiences for every individual visitor to your website instead of a singular, broad experience. Dynamic website personalization takes this concept one step further by allowing your website to adapt to, change with, and adjust the user experience based on the habits and trends – both past and present – of your site visitors. This information is gathered when a user clicks on an email, PPC (paid per click) ad, or a webpage, that click determines what content will be shown to users based on the content they were engaging with. The content that’s shown is typically in the form of text, audio, and visual graphics.

What are Some Examples of Dynamic Site Personalization?

Personalization is so common in the real world that it tends to go unnoticed. Online, website personalization tries to recreate the same level of one-on-one attention that a consumer would get if they were in person. The most common dynamic site personalization tactics seen in the digital world are:

  • News and media sources showing videos that are specific to the area that a user lives in.
  • Online retailers using targeted ads and offers based on a user’s browser history.
  • Travel sites lure in visitors with promotions based on where they are in the world, what season it is, and even the current weather.

What Are the Benefits of Using Dynamic Website Personalization?

While over 80% of retailers are currently incorporating a personalization strategy into their business model, only 15% of that number think their strategy is fully implemented. This means there’s a huge gap in implementation, and the best place to expand upon that strategy is by looking no further than your own website. The benefits of using dynamic website personalization are:

Your customers will have an elevated user experience

By customizing your customer’s experience on your website, you’re showing them more of what they already want to see, which makes their online journey more seamless and easier to navigate. Personalization also shows your customers that you know and understand them, increasing brand loyalty and helps them feel more connected to your brand as well.

You will get more sales or online conversions

The first benefit directly influences this one: when users have seamless and meaningful online experiences, expect to see more conversions. In fact, 80% of consumers say they’d rather make a purchase from an online retailer that has site personalization than one that doesn’t.

How to Implement Dynamic Website Personalization

Now that you know what site personalization is and what the benefits are, here is the Paragon framework for dynamic website personalization:

Gather Consumer Insights

You can only know what messaging is relevant and valuable when you truly understand your customer and their unique journey. Customer research strategies help – such as contextual interviews, intercepts, surveys, focus groups, personas, and journey mapping.

Build an Engagement Plan

Develop an Engagement plan detailing exactly what you will communicate to who, when, and through which channel. By developing your Engagement Plan, you’ll have a concrete blueprint for activating the personalization plan on your web platform and have assistance identifying the Moments that Matter during your customer’s journey, telling you where your customers need the most support.

Execute & Measure

Develop your personalization profiles and scoring. Deploy tactics according to your Engagement Plan. Measure the results, iterate, and optimize. When you foster an environment where experimentation is encouraged, you create a space for your organization to learn how to best personalize for your customer. Doing so will ensure you are consistently improving how you deliver customer-centric experiences. Tactics such as AB testing will let you know your marketing is working as you intend it to, and help you hone in on which messages or content are most effective.

If you don’t have the current bandwidth to start implementing dynamic personalization on your digital properties, there are countless companies out there that can work with you, but it’s important to find a company that’s as unique – and dynamic – as you are.

At Paragon, we’re customer experience architects, and we utilize site personalization for conversion. Are you ready to get personalized? Contact us today!

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